Resources****Because we live in the times we do, I need to provide the following disclaimer: Guess what? If you click on any of the links that I’ve provided, it may be a link to someone who will give me a commission if you buy something from their site. That means that I might get paid if you click on that link. And the reason why I’m telling you this is because I want to be upfront with you, and because it’s illegal not to. (So, you know, right side of the law and all.) That said, I promise to use any affiliate commissions earned for good causes: Things like reinvesting in this business to bring you even better resources, and quite possibly at least one Sunday trip to the zoo. Because...zoos are a fun place to hang out with my family. ALSO... these links are SUGGESTIONS not necessarily recommendations! In my humble opinion, these are products and services I have knowledge of or trust to be of high quality, whether an affiliate relationship is in place or not. That does NOT mean I am responsible for their practice, outcomes, or the relationship you build with them. That is all up to you and your relationship with them! Suggested Books: Sensational Kids Author: Lucy J Miller, PhD, OTR In this book, Dr Lucy Jane Miller describes the six variations of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), ways the disorder is diagnosed and treated; sensory strategies for living with the condition; and methods to help SPD kids thrive. No Longer A SECRET Authors: Doreit S. Bialer, MA, OTR/L and Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR This important book by Dr Lucy Jane Miller provides cost effective, functional, on the spot tips with easily understood explanations for those dealing with SPDs at school and home settings.Anyone can use this book and help their kids with SPD and SPD related issues. The Out-of-Synch Child Author: Carol Stock Kranowitz, MA The Out-of-Sync Child broke new ground by identifying Sensory Processing Disorder, a common but frequently misdiagnosed problem in which the central nervous system misinterprets messages from the senses. This newly revised edition features additional information from recent research on vision and hearing deficits, motor skill problems, nutrition and picky eaters, ADHA, autism, and other related disorders. Brain Rules and Baby Brain Rules Author: John Medina, PhD In Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina, a molecular biologist, shares his lifelong interest in how the brain sciences might influence the way we teach our children and the way we work. In each chapter, he describes a brain rule—what scientists know for sure about how our brains work—and then offers transformative ideas for our daily lives. In Brain Rules for Baby, he bridges the gap between what scientists know and what parents practice. Just one of the surprises: The best way to get your children into college? Teach them impulse control. The Sensory Child Gets Organized Author: Carolyn Dalgliesh The product of Carolyn's extensive experience in the field of Sensory Organizing, this amazing new book gives parents an easy-to-follow roadmap to success for their rigid, anxious, or distracted child. With experience, skill, and generosity, Carolyn shares her leading-edge organizing model that bridges the gap between clinical support and practical in-home solutions. Her proven systems make life easier—and more fun—for your entire family. Raising a Sensory Smart Child Author: Lindsey Biel, OTR/L This bestselling and award winning book on sensory processing issues is filled with practical information and real-life solutions. Co-authored by a pediatric occupational therapist and the mother of a child with Sensory Processing Disorder, the expanded and updated edition of Raising a Sensory Smart Child is a valuable resource. |
Links to Information:Sensory Processing: STAR Institute Zones of Regulation Sensory Smarts SPD Support Specific Interventions: Handwriting: Learning Without Tears Listening Programs: iLs: Integrated Listening Systems Vital Links Therapeutic Listening Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based (DIR®) Model DIR Floortime Social Thinking & Social Emotional Regulation SEL For Preschool and early childhood Early Development and Education: The Division for Early Childhood Zero to Three National Association for the Education of Children Parenting Counts # #A product of the Talaris Institute Brain Rules WA State Dept. of Early Learning School Support Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (WA-OSPI) OSPI- Special Education Education Ombuds (WA State) Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Speech-Language Services: Lara Osborn, MS, CCC-SLP Physical Therapy Services: WayPoint Pediatric Therapies |